a little puppet's diary

Been kinda lucky recently. I just got my 3rd evil eye! :3

Gradually learnt that I get these rare items when I least expect them, when I am not working hard to get them.

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Today is the 15th day of the eighth month according to the Lunar Calender, and the moon is said to be at its fullest. Chinese celebrates this day eating pastries (called mooncake), drinking tea, eating pomelos etc. Kids will carry lanterns around, having fun. Traditionally it is a day to gather together and have a good time moon-gazing xD If I were to directly translate from the chinese words, it’ll be called “admiring the moon” (赏月).

Happy Mid-Autumn to all of you! 🙂

(illustration copyrighted by mintz. Please do not use it without authorization. Thanks.)

(courtesy of kwulabear)

So sad I didn’t manage to join the final event where the movie was shown in the end, and I heard rare items were given to lucky individuals. Mint said that it was so laggy some of the japanese players were unable to watch the movie too. Fortunately, someone captured the movie and posted it on youtube :3 (kwulabear gave me the link to it) And hope to share with the rest of you who didn’t get to see it too. (Unfortunately, it is in Japanese. So prepare a translating kit while watching!)

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I think this might be the first of many posts unrelated to the game. Hopefully you guys won’t mind these miscellaneous posts! (will try my best to translate the chinese!)

I saw a post by my friend on facebook earlier on, it was one of those character surveys. Been some time since I did one of those things (I’m quite fond of these tests because sometimes you know more about yourself while doing it. Not because of the results, but more of observing how you react to those results. In a way, I think it helps me learn how I think of myself. It’s from a taiwanese website, so if you can’t read chinese, you can’t do it)

刚在facebook上看见一位朋友po了她的个性,后来也去试试 (本身蛮爱玩这类东西,某一方面来说会发现自己对自己的看法--像看到答案时自己的感受会是 “恩,没错” 或 “哼!烂答案”)。有兴趣的话,也可以去测看看!(http://www.dadupo.com.tw/play/test-1.htm

以下(copy and paste)就是我的推算结果:

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Perhaps it’s regional issue, or that the internet in my house is not as good as Japan’s average, I’ve been experiencing extremely slow loading in Magicaloss recently. And sometimes, things like this happen:

My followers are sleepwalking. haha… (but this only happens in one direction) Read the rest of this entry »

As many of you know, JP server is having the shasura event every 10 hours. To be able to play smoothly, you have to at least put on limited display, off your sound, and off your effects. This is because there are many players joining the event.

Once, I forgot to turn off my effects, and had a major lag. haha… and ended up seeing puffs of smoke jerkily spreading out and all

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This all happened before my holiday, which means it’s almost 2 months late haha… Pardon! Too lazy to update 😛

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It is Wednesday again, time to buy new pet! 😀

Oh wait, it’s Thursday now haha…

well, i bought it 3 hours ago, when it was still Wednesday :3

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